Bird-Friendly Communities

Bird City Minnesota

Healthy communities for birds and people
Bird-Friendly Communities

Bird City Minnesota

Healthy communities for birds and people

Transforming the places where people live and work into habitats where birds thrive. 

Bird City helps birds by:

  • Restoring, protecting and improving bird habitat
  • Reducing threats such as window collisions, toxins and harmful human activities, often due to a lack of understanding of birds’ needs
  • Engaging people in learning about, enjoying and helping birds thrive

Our program in Minnesota is modeled after the successful Bird City Wisconsin and Bird Town Pennsylvania programs. It also incorporates some actions from Minnesota GreenStep Cities.


List of Minnesota's Bird Cities

How Bird City Works 

Bird City Best Practices

Funding for this project is provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).

How You Can Help