
Minnesota Birds and Climate

Over half of Minnesota's birds are threatened by climate change.

Audubon’s new climate report reveals that over half of Minnesota’s birds are threatened by climate change. The report includes analysis of 298 of the 314 birds commonly found in Minnesota. Of those 298 birds, 73 are at risk of severe declines by 2050 and another 93 species face the same fate by 2080. The following table lists these 298 birds and their sensitivity to climate change.

Sensitivity categories are:

Climate Endangered – projected loss of >50% of current range by 2050 across all scenarios with no net gain from range expansion

Climate Threatened – projected loss of >50% of current range by 2080 across all scenarios with possible net gain from range expansion

Climate Stable – projected loss of <50% of current range across all scenarios

Data Deficient – insufficient data exists to build a model for either summer or winter seasons

Minnesota's Climate Sensitive Birds List

National Audubon Society Birds & Climate Report 

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