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Planned Giving

Planning for your legacy

What will your legacy be?

Have you considered making a bequest to support the causes that you care about? If you share Audubon's values and feel a personal responsibility for stewardship for our natural world, consider extending your support beyond your lifetime by including Audubon Minnesota Iowa Missouri in your estate plans.

If you would like to make a legacy gift, consider:

  • Making a gift through your IRA by designating Audubon MN IA MO as a beneficiary. To ensure that your gift is dedicated to the region, please note in your estate plans that your gift is intended for Audubon Minnesota Iowa Missouri, a state office of the National Audubon Society.
  • Setting up an anuity agreement to provide lifetime income foryourself or members of your family.
  • Naming Audubon Minnesota Iowa Missouri in your will or as a beneficiary of your insurance policy.

How to say it

"I bequeath (dollar amount or % of estate) to the National Audubon Society, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, with its principal offices locate at 225 Varick Street, 7th Floor, New York NY 10014. This gift should support Audubon Minnesota Iowa Missouri programs." Tax ID#13-1624102

Contact us

Contact Nadia Haeflinger for additional information or for assistance in determining which type of gift may be right for you.

How You Can Help