Debbie Reynolds decided to upgrade her yard, but not with the exotic plants you may see lining heavily-manicured lawns. Instead, she decided to use native plants in her landscaping. This has been referred to as “wildscaping.”
She’s been able to attract more birds and butterflies to her yard and she even gets some people buzzing about.
“I get a lot of compliments from my neighbors,” said Debbie, Audubon Minnesota’s board chair, as she looked at a patch of Wild Geranium that she planted a couple years ago. “I also see bees that have flown over from my neighbor’s hive.”
Debbie says she enjoys knowing her plants are attracting native birds as well as conserving water. Plants in her yard include Purple Coneflower, Rough Blazing Star, Wild Bergamot, Fragrant Hyssop, Butterfly Milkweed, and Prairie Dropseed.
“I know I don’t have a perfect yard, but it’s a start,” she said modestly. Debbie will continue to set an example for her neighborhood by showing off the beauty of a wildscaped, bird-friendly yard.
When you plant native plants, your yard could benefit a number of Minnesota’s birds, including the Eastern Bluebird. Learn more about how we are using native plants to create bird-friendly spaces in developed areas.