Water for Birds and People

Tallgrass Aspen Parklands: Protecting and Restoring IBAs

Conserving Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in northwest Minnesota

Audubon Upper Mississippi River and Minnesota Land Trust are partnering with private landowners to conserve and restore their land in the Tallgrass Aspen Parklands of northwest Minnesota.  

See an interactive map here or download this map (PDF)

Habitat will be protected through conservation easements that promote sustainable grassland/wetland landscapes, where optional land-use practices (grazing, haying, etc.) coexist with and promote conservation. This will benefit future generations as well as birds and other wildlife that depend on these grasslands and wetlands. 

Funding is also available for habitat restoration or management on lands with permanent conservation easements or on public lands. This program strives to give landowners another land conservation option to preserve the integrity of their land for the future in addition to a financial incentive.

Learn more about land eligibility requirements and how to apply. 

To apply for this program online, visit our Application web page

You can also apply to this program by scanning and emailing your application to Alex Wardwell or by printing and mailing your application to:

Alex Wardwell, Prairie Project Manager, Audubon Upper Mississippi River

17788 349th St. SE, Erskine, MN 56535

Phone: 218.687.2229 x 11 

Below are the focal species for the Tallgrass Aspen Parklands province. These birds, along with many other wildlife species, will benefit from the work being done in the area.

Sharp-tailed Grouse

Latin:  Tympanuchus phasianellus

Illustration for Sharp-tailed Grouse

Upland Sandpiper

Latin:  Bartramia longicauda

Illustration for Upland Sandpiper

American Bittern

Latin:  Botaurus lentiginosus

Illustration for American Bittern

Least Bittern

Latin:  Ixobrychus exilis

Illustration for Least Bittern

Franklin's Gull

Latin:  Leucophaeus pipixcan

Illustration for Franklin's Gull

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